最高學歷 國立中央大學管理博士、英國利物浦大學企業管理碩士
主要經歷 中國科技大學企管系 助理教授、副教授2005.03~Present;福特六和汽車公司 採購員、TCM/STA 工程師、6-Sigma 黑帶、6-Sigma 黑帶大師2000.09~2005.02
研究專長 6-sigma、物流管理、供應鏈管理、品質管理
辦公室 啓我樓728
聯絡電話 0921985481
E-mail jtsou@cute.edu.tw
中國科技大學 企管系 助理教授, 副教授2005.03~ Present
福特六和汽車公司 採購員, TCM/STA 工程師, 6-Sigma 黑帶, 6-Sigma 黑帶大師2000.09~2005.02
ISO 9001 品質管理系統主任審核員(國際證照) 英國IRCA No 01186095
6-Sigma 黑帶大師 Ford Motor Company, USA 無證照字號
6-Sigma 黑帶 Ford Motor Company, USA 無證照字號
ISO 14001 環境管理系統審核員 英國 IEMA No 4073/5
ISO 27001 資安管理系統審核員 法國 AFAQ TC114-2006-024
服務業品質專業師 中華民國品質學會 CSQP83003
elected for inclusion in the 27th edition (2010) of “Marquis Who’s Who in the World”(世界名人錄). Marquis Who’s Who 是目前世界公認排名第一的名人錄, 此記錄書籍收藏於世界各大圖書館內
Selected for inclusion in the 10th edition (2008-2009) of “Marquis Who’s Who in the Science & Engineering”(世界名人錄). Marquis Who’s Who是目前世界公認排名第一的名人錄, 此記錄書籍收藏於世界各大圖書館內
Selected for inclusion in the “2000 Outstanding Scientists (2008/2009)”by IBC (International Biographical Centre), Cambridge, England
Selected for inclusion in the “2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century (2008)”by IBC (International Biographical Centre), Cambridge, England
Selected for inclusion in the 1st edition (2007) of “Marquis Who’s Who in the Emerging Leader”Marquis Who’s Who 創立於是目前世界公認排名第一的名人錄, 此記錄書籍收藏於世界各大圖書館內
Selected for inclusion in the 27th edition (2010) of “Marquis Who’s Who in the World”(世界名人錄). Marquis Who’s Who 是目前世界公認排名第一的名人錄, 此記錄書籍收藏於世界各大圖書館內
Selected for inclusion in the 10th edition (2008-2009) of “Marquis Who’s Who in the Science & Engineering”(世界名人錄). Marquis Who’s Who是目前世界公認排名第一的名人錄, 此記錄書籍收藏於世界各大圖書館內
Selected for inclusion in the “2000 Outstanding Scientists (2008/2009)”by IBC (International Biographical Centre), Cambridge, England
cted for inclusion in the “2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century (2008)”by IBC (International Biographical Centre), Cambridge, England
Selected for inclusion in the 1st edition (2007) of “Marquis Who’s Who in the Emerging Leader”Marquis Who’s Who 創立於是目前世界公認排名第一的名人錄, 此記錄書籍收藏於世界各大圖書館內
Tsou, Hejazi, Rasti, 2012, Economic production quantity model for items with continuous quality characteristic, rework and reject, International Journal of Systems Science, 43(12): 2261-2267 (本學 刊被SCI國際索引收錄; Impact Factor: 0.918)
Jia-Chi Tsou, 2010, Production system with process quality control: modelling and application, International Journal of Systems Science, 41(7), P. 865-874. (ISSN:0020-7721) (本學刊被SCI國際索 引收錄; Impact Factor: 0.918)
Jia-Chi Tsou, 2008, The ontology of a Supply Chain Model based on IDEF5 and Ontolingua, Production Planning & Control, 19(3), P. 265 - 274. (ISSN: 0953-7287)(本學刊被SCI 國際索引收錄; Impact Factor: 0.730)
Jia-Chi Tsou and Wen-Jinn Chen, 2008, The impact of preventive activities on the economics of production systems: modeling and application, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 32(6), P. 1056-1065. (ISSN: 0307-904X) (本學刊被SCI & EI 國際索引收錄; Impact factor: 1.375)
Wen-Jinn Chen and Jia-Chi Tsou, 2008, Sequencing heuristic for scheduling jobs with periodic maintenance, International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, 19(4), P 635-649. (ISSN: 1017-1819) (本學刊被EI 國際索引收錄)
Jia-Chi Tsou, 2007, Economic order quantity model and Taguchi’s cost of poor quality, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 31(2), P. 283-291. (ISSN: 0307-904X) (本學刊被SCI & EI 國際索引收錄; Impact factor: 1.375)
Jia-Chi Tsou, 2006, Decision-making on quality investment in a dynamic lot sizing production system, International Journal of Systems Science, 37(7), P. 463-475. (ISSN:0020-7721) (本學刊被SCI 國際索引收錄; Impact Factor: 0.918)
Wen-Jinn Chen Su-Mei Lin and Jia-Chi Tsou, 2006, Sequencing heuristic for bicriteria scheduling in a single machine problem, Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 27(2), P.459-468 (ISSN: 0252-2667) (本學刊被EI & INSPEC 國際索引收錄)
Jia-Chi Tsou and Jen-Ming Chen, 2005, Case study: quality improvement model in a car seat assembly line, Production Planning & Control, 16(7), P. 681-690. (ISSN: 0953-7287) (本學刊被SCI 國際索引收錄; Impact Factor: 0.730)
Jia-Chi Tsou and Jen-Ming Chen, 2005, Dynamic model for a defective production system with poka-yoke, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 56(7), P. 799-803. (ISSN:0160-5682) (本學刊被SSCI 國際索引收錄; Impact Factor: 1.565)
Jia-Chi Tsou and Jen-Ming Chen, 2005, The relation between cost and yield rate in a JIT production system, International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, 16(1), P. 83-93. (ISSN: 1017-1819) (本學刊被EI 國際索引收錄)
Jia-Chi Tsou and Jen-Ming Chen, 2004, Economic production quantity model with continuous quality inspection, Foundations of Computing and Decision Science, 29(4), P.373-383. (ISSN: 0867-6356) (本學刊被EI 國際索引收錄)
Jia-Chi Tsou and Jen-Ming Chen, 2004, Covisint - reputation regarding on-line auction in the automotive industry, Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 25(2), P.361-372. (ISSN: 0252-2667) (本學刊被EI & INSPEC 國際索引收錄)
Jen-Ming Chen and Jia-Chi Tsou, 2003, An optimal design for process quality improvement: modeling and application, Production Planning & Control, 14(7), P.603-612. (ISSN: 0953-7287)(本學刊被SCI 國際索引收錄; Impact Factor: 0.730)
鄒家齊, 陳文進, 古怡芬, 王玉婷, 張玉秀, 2011, “網路部落格規劃及行銷—旅遊”, 2011管理、商業與資訊國際學術研討會論文集, P. 7-17. (ISBN 978-986-6226-06-9)
鄒家齊, 陳文進, 2010, “EPQ model with normal distribution quality characteristic”, 2010 管理、商業與資訊學術研討會論文集, P. 27-32. (ISBN 978-986-84764-5-5)
陳文進, 鄒家齊, 張鳳逸, 吳尚倫, 2010, “A case study of scheduling jobs in a chemical material industry”, 2010 管理、商業與資訊學術研討會論文集, P. 33-46. (ISBN 978-986-84764-5-5)
Jia-Chi Tsou, Wen-Jinn Chen and Chun-Nan Chung, 2009, “連鎖便利商店服務品質與滿意度之研究-以大台北地區7-11 為例”, 2009管理、商業與資訊學術研討會論文集P. 73-80. (ISBN 978-986-81765-9-1)
Wen-Jinn Chen, Jia-Chi Tsou and Chi Fan Wang, 2009, “A case study of scheduling jobs in a textile company”, 2009管理、商業與資訊學術研討會論文集, P. 142-153. (ISBN 978-986-81765-9-1)
Jia-Chi Tsou, Wen-Jinn Chen and Su-Lin Seng, 2008, “誠品書局消費者滿意度研究”, 2008 Conference on Management, Business and Information, P. 43-50. (ISBN: 978-986-81765-5-3)
Wen-Jinn Chen, Jia-Chi Tsou and Tai-Rong Wang, 2008, “A study of scheduling with family setup times”, 2008 Conference on Management, Business and Information, P. 70-76. (ISBN: 978-986-81765-5-3)
Seyyed Reza Hejazi, Jia Chi Tsou and Morteza Rasti Barzoki, 2007, “Optimal Lot Size of EPQ Model Considering Imperfect and Defective Products”, 5th International Conference of Industrial Engineering (國際研討會 伊朗(Iran))
Wen-Jinn Chen, Jia-Chi Tsou and Yo-Jung Lee, 2007, “A framework for maintenance scheduling problems”, 2007 Conference on Management, Business and Information, P. 17-26. (ISBN: 978-957-41-4344-3)
Jia-Chi Tsou, Wen-Jinn Chen and Yo-Jung Lee, 2007, “線上遊戲消費行為及顧客滿意度之研究”, 2007 Conference on Management, Business and Information, P. 80-86. (ISBN: 978-957-41-4344-3)
Jia-Chi Tsou, Wen-Jinn Chen and Chao-Wei Lang, 2007, “藥妝店之服務品質的顧客滿意度之研究”, 2007 Conference on Management, Business and Information, P. 87-96. (ISBN: 978-957-41-4344-3)
Morteza Rasti Barzoki, Jia-Chi Tsou and Wen-Jinn Chen 2006, “A New EPQ model with continuous quality characteristic and rework”, 2006 Conference on Management, Information and Business, P. 3-10. (ISBN: 957-41-3583-7)
Wen-Jinn Chen, Jia-Chi Tsou and Yo-Jung Lee 2006, “Single-machine scheduling with vacations”, 2006 Conference on Management, Information and Business, P. 42-52. (ISBN:957-41-3583-7)
鄒家齊, 2014, “由麥當勞 MADE FOR YOU 探討精實服務在連鎖餐飲業的核心價值”, 2014精 實服務與精實消費國際學術研討會論文集, P. 5-7. (ISBN 978-986-6226-25-0)
陳文進, 鄒家齊, 2014, “探討延誤工件數的維修生產排程”, 2014管理、商業與資訊國際學術研 討會論文集, P. 412-423. (ISBN 978-986-6226-24-3)
林佳津, 陳文進, 鄒家齊, 2014, “探討北台灣某家健身公司的單機排程問題”, 2014管理、商業 與資訊國際學術研討會論文集, P. 111-117. (ISBN 978-986-6226-24-3)
鄒家齊, 陳文進, 蔡馨儀, 陳德堃, 洪秀蓉, 鄭志堃, 2014, “網路二手書店經營研究─以紫京二 手書店為例”, 2014管理、商業與資訊國際學術研討會論文集, P. 77-87. (ISBN 978-986-6226-24-3)
鄒家齊, 陳文進, 王聖權, 董倫維, 郭庭豪, 陳柏全, 姜曉庭, Iwan Gunawan, 2013, “Facebook 社 團拍賣研究”, 2013管理、商業與資訊國際學術研討會論文集, P. 443-452. (ISBN 978-986-6226-19-9)
陳季穎, 鄒家齊, 陳文進, 2013, “組織變革認知、領導行為、組織承諾及工作投入關聯性之研究 --以A電梯製造公司為例”, 2013管理、商業與資訊國際學術研討會論文集, P. 785-793. (ISBN 978-986-6226-19-9)
陳文進, 鄒家齊, 2013, “探討最小完工差異時間和生產作業延誤時間”, 2013管理、商業與資訊國際學術研討會論文集, P. 994-1001. (ISBN 978-986-6226-19-9)
陳文進, 鄒家齊, 張鳳逸, 2012, “Study of production system with maintenance and number of tardy jobs”, 2012管理、商業與資訊國際學術研討會論文集, P. 76-84. (ISBN 978-986-6226-15-1)
李炳全, 鄒家齊, 陳文進, 鄭貴元, 2012, “臺灣發展醫療觀光服務國際化經營策略研究”, 2012管理、商業與資訊國際學術研討會論文集, P. 250-258. (ISBN 978-986-6226-15-1)
陳文進, 鄒家齊, 張鳳逸, 朱英菊, 2011, “Algorithms of single machine scheduling in a module process industry”, 2011管理、商業與資訊國際學術研討會論文集, P. 369-381. (ISBN 978-986-6226-06-9)